Beta 25

3 cylinder, naturally aspirated, diesel propulsion engine developing 25 bhp at 3,600 rpm with a swept volume of 898 cc (Recreational Craft Directive emission compliant). The engine is supplied complete with a heat exchanger and header tank, water cooled exhaust manifold, fresh and sea water pumps, cast injection bend, mechanical fuel lift pump, fuel and oil filters, flywheel with heavy inertia ring for super smooth running at low rpm, flywheel housing, special quiet air intake filter, 12 volt starter, 40 amp battery charging alternator, shutdown solenoid, control panel “ABV” (with tachometer/hour recorder, keystart switch and push button stop, warning lights and alarm buzzer for low oil pressure, high water temperature, no charge, and power on); a 3m interconnection cable with multi-pin plug and socket to engine harness. Gearbox with nominal 2:1 reduction, heavy duty engine feet with flexible mountings, “Morse” type end fittings for speed and gear control, engine test certificate, operators manual. Red paint and packed on skid base with a 5 year “Self Service” warranty.
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